JMSDF unit identification on the tail

JMSDF aircraft used to carry Japanese Kana-Characters on the aircraft fins as abbreviations identifying home-bases., However, this system was largely discontinued in the early 1960s, and after that JMSDF's aircraft usually carry the squadron number on the fin with some exceptions of the aircraft operated by the Omura, Ominato, Komatsushima Kokutais(Air Squadrons) and six Rescue Flights (Kyunan Hikotais), which carry the Japanese Kana-Characters to identify the respective Air Stations. Kana-Characters shown at left have been used.

#, Home Base, Unit, Aircraft
#1, Atsugi, Atsugi Rescur Flt., S-62J/S-61AH/UH-60J
#2, Hachinohe, Hachinohe Air Corps, TBM/S2F-1/P2V-7/KM-2
#2, Hachinohe, Hachinohe Rescue Flt., S-55/S-62J/S-61AH/UH-60J
#3, Iwakuni, Iwakuni Air Training Sqdn., SNB/B-65P
#3, Iwo-Jima, Iwo-Jima Rescue Flt., S-61AH/UH-60J
#4, Kanoya, Kanoya Air Corps, T-34/TBM/PV-2/R4D/KAL-2/KM-2/P2V-7/S2F-1
#4, Kanoya, Kanoya Rescue Flt., S-55/S-62J/S-61AH/UH-60J
#5, Komatsushima, Komatsushima Air Sqdn., HSS-1/HSS-2/SH-60J
#6, Naha, Okinawa Air Sqdn., P-2J/B-65
#7, Ominato, Ominato Air Sqdn., WS-51/HSS-1/HSS-2/SH-60J
#8, Omura, Omura Air Sqdn., JRF/PBY/UF-2/UF-XS/HSS-1/HSS-2/B-65/SH-60J
#9, Ozuki, Ozuki Rescue Flt., S-62J/S-61AH/UH-60J
#10, Shimofusa, Shimofusa Rescue Flt., S-62J
#11, Tateyama, Tateyama Air Corps, WS-51/S-55/Bell47/HSS-1
#12, Tokushima, Tokushima Air Corps, S2F-1/KAL-2
#12, Tokushima, Tokushima Rescur Flt., S-55/S-62J/S-61AH/UH-60J

海外のマニア向けに海自機のホームベースを表示する『カナ・コード』を上に説明していますが、 日本のマニアの皆様にとっては良くご存知の中身ですので、日本語での解説文は割愛させていただきます。

Grumman S2F Tracker

Sixty S2F-1 Trackers (serials 4101/4160) were delivered from the U.S.Navy between 08APR57/20JUN59, and the first unit to equip, the 6th Hikotai (which became the 21st Hikotai on 01APR58), was formed at Kanoya on 01MAY57. The 21st Hikotai(Sqdn) moved to Tokushima and this was later expanded into two Kokutais, the 11th & the 12th; the S2F-1 was also used by the 13th & 14th Kokutais and the 204th Kyoiku-Kokutai(Air Training Sqdn.). Operational tests were conducted by the 51st Kokutai. The last unit to operate the type was the 11th Kokutai, which was disbanded on 30MAR84.

There were also two local conversions of the S2F-1. The S2F-C was a utility transport, two being completed in 1974-75 with the serials 9061(ex-4110) and 9062(ex-4105); 9061 was briefly used by the 51st Kokutai, and both were subsequently handed over to the 61st and 31st Kokutais. Color-scheme of the S2F-C was light grey with white upper fuselage and white vertical fin. The type was withdrawn from use in the early 1980s.

The S2F-U was a target towing aircraft and four were completed in 1970-71 with the serials 9151/9154(ex-4160/4159/4137/4158 respectively), painted in dark grey with yellow wings and dayglo orange vertical tail surfaces. The S2F-U was briefly used by the 51st Kokutai at the beginning, and the type was subsequently transferred to the 61st Kokutai. All were retired by 1982. Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to photograph the S2F-U in Japan.

日本のマニアの皆様にとっては大変お馴染みのS2Fですので、日本語での解説文は割愛させていただきます。 大変残念ながら、小生はS2F-Uの写真を撮る機会が全く有りませんでした。

11th Kokutai(Air Squadron) 第十一航空隊

@ Kanoya

@ Kanoya

@ Iruma

(above three photos)
I took the top two B&W photos at Kanoya Air Station in March 1973. The bottom photo shows another S2F-1 of the 11th, which was displayed at Iruma airshow in November 1982. Please note the unit identification code "11" meaning the "11th" Kokutai. The 11th Hikotai(Sqdn) under Tokushima Kokutai(Air Corps) with S2F-1 became the 11th Kokutai(Air Sqdn) on 01SEP61 under the Fleet Air Wing Three at Tokushima. The 11th was transferred from Tokushima(FAW-3) to Kanoya(FAW-1) on 01MAR73. The top two B&W photos were taken at Kanoya in March 1973 soon after the 11th moved to Kanoya. The 11th was the last surviving S2F-1 unit in JMSDF service and the unit was disbanded on 30MAR84.
(上3枚) 上段2枚の白黒写真は1973年3月に鹿屋基地で撮影した第11航空隊のS2F-1です。 この時初めて訪れた鹿屋でしたが、中段写真のバックに写っている格納庫がえらく古ぼけていたのが印象に残っています。 当時鹿屋にはP-2J装備の第一航空隊とP2V-7装備の第203教育航空隊がおりました。 せっかく基地内での撮影許可をいただいたのですが、残念ながらこの時はドン曇りの天気でした。 最下段の写真は1982年の入間航空祭に展示された同隊のS2F-1です。 この時点では海自でのS2F-1の運用が終りに近づいており、最後まで生き延びた第11航空隊も1984年3月末には解散となりました。

14th Kokutai(Air Squadron) 第十四航空隊

(above two photos)
I took these photos at Shizuhama airshow in November 1973. This S2F-1 #4142 of the 14th Kokutai arrived at Shizuhama for the airshow and I was lucky enough to take some taxing shots of the S2F-1 while the aircraft was folding its outboard wings on its way to the static display area. The 14th Kokutai was formed in March 1963 at Tokushima with S2F-1, and moved to Shimofusa in May 1963. The unit moved again to Atsugi on 25DEC73, and the 14th was disbanded on 15JUL81.
(上2枚) 上2枚の白黒写真は1973年11月の静浜航空祭に飛来した第14航空隊のS2F-1(4142号機)です。 標準レンズを付けて待ち構えていた小生の目の前で、ちょうど主翼を折り畳んでくれました。 この写真を見ると、今でもトラッカーのエンジン音が聞こえてくるようです。 因みに、第14航空隊は1981年7月に解散となりました。
@ Atsugi

@ Shimofusa

@ Shimofusa

(above three photos)
Top photo shows a S2F-1 (#4148) of the 14th Kokutai parked at their home-base Atsugi in Novemebr 1976. I took the middle and the bottom photos at Shimofusa airshow in May 1977. Please note the unit identification number "14" on the vertical fins.
(上3枚) 最上段の写真は1976年11月に厚木(東側エプロン)で撮影した第14航空隊のS2F-1です。 中段と下段の写真は1977年5月の下総航空祭で撮影した第14航空隊のS2F-1ですが、ホームベースの厚木から飛来した機体です。 下段の写真は式典後に展示機エリアに牽引されているところです。 背景(右側)には当時下総で運用されていたKV-107が写っています。

S2F-C utility transport、S2F-C 輸送機

@ Atsugi

@ Atsugi

@ Iwakuni

(above three photos)
Top two photos show a S2F-C (#9062) of the 61st Kokutai parked at their home-base Atsugi in August 1978. The 61st Kokutai undertook transport and miscellaneous duties and they operated YS-11M and S2F-C at that time. Color-scheme of the S2F-C was similar to the color-scheme of the U.S.Navy's US-2A/B utility aircraft. Bottom photo shows the same aircraft #9062, but please note the different unit identification code "31" on the fin. This aircraft was transferred from the 61st Kokutai to 31st Kokutai sometime during 1978-79. The 31st Kokutai was an ASW squadron operating Shin-meiwa PS-1 flying boats stationed at Iwakuni. Please note that the search light was removed from its housing on the right outboard wing.
(上3枚) 上段と中段の2枚の写真は1978年夏のチビヤンで撮影しました。あまり入場者が多くなかったように記憶しています。 展示されていた9062号機を右と左から撮ったものですが、入場者が全然写っていません。 中段写真の背景には厚木救難隊のS-62Jが写っています。 最下段の写真は1979年12月に岩国で写した、上と同じ9062号機です。 但し、尾翼の部隊番号を見ると、1978厚木チビヤン時の『61』から『31』に変更されています。 本機は岩国のPS-1部隊である第31航空隊に移籍されたようです。 右翼のサーチライトのハウジングは残されていますが、サーチライトそのものは撤去されているのがわかります。

Retired S2F-1、用途廃止機

@ Hemet

@ Hemet

(above two photos)
I was so surprised (and so happy too) to find some ex-JMSDF S2F-1s when I visited Hemet fire fighting base in California in June 1990. At that time, California Dept. of Forestry operated some ex-US.Navy S-2 Trackers as fire fighting aircraft frown from Hemet. These ex-JMSDF S2F-1 Trackers were stored at Hemet because they re-used the JMSDF Trackers as a source of service parts for the active fire fighters when necessary. Please note the yellow wings seen on the foreground of the bottom photo. These yellow wings were dismantled from the JMSDF S2F-U target towing aircraft. Please note also the red Japanese roundels were still shown on the wing.
(上2枚) これら2枚の写真は、ロスアンゼルス郊外のHemetで1990年6月に撮影した元海自機のS2F-1です。 ここHemetは加州森林局の森林消火飛行隊がホームベースとしており、当時は森林局のS-2やO-2やH-1などが常駐していました。 よって、ここに集められた元海自のトラッカーは、加州森林局の現役S-2のための部品取り用として保管されていたと推測されます。 下段写真の前景には、S2F-Uから取り外された黄色の主翼が見えます。 機体の日の丸は消されていますが、外翼だけにバラされた翼には日の丸がそのまま残されています(下段写真の前景を参照ください)。

inserted by FC2 system
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