de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter (US designation "U-1")

DHC-3 Otter is my most favourite aircraft type among the ones designed/developed in Canada, and I plan to build a Hobby Craft kit (1/48) of the DHC-3 Otter with float in the CAF markings. I really want to take walk-around photos of the CAF Otter with floats preserved somewhere in Canada (or in the US), but I'm afraid I was not able to find one yet. If you have any information about the preserved CAF Otter with floats, please let me know it by e-mail. Military Otters still preserved in museums in Canada/USA are VERY limitted, and I photographed one U-1A of the US.Army and one NU-1B of the US.Navy in the US so far, which I uploaded below.

DHC-3オッターはカナダ機の中で小生が最も好きな機種です。ホビークラフトからもちゃんと1/48のキットが出ています。 遠からずこのキット(フロート付き)をカナダ国防軍のマーキングを付けて作りたいんですが、フロート付きのCAF機はどうやらどこの博物館にも残されていないようなんです。 軍用のオッター(米軍呼称はU-1)は北米大陸にはほとんど保存されていません。小生が撮影出来た軍用オッターは米陸軍のU-1Aと米海軍のNU-1B各一機づつだけです。 いずれも博物館の天井から吊り下げられていたので、機体下面だけはバッチリ写してきました。

#1) U-1A (s/n. 57-6135)

US.Army Aviation Museum
Fort Rucker, Alabama, USA
photographed on 11NOV11

I took walk-around photos of this U-1A Beaver displayed (hanging from the roof) at the US.Army Aviation Museum at Fort Rucker, Alabama in November 11th, 2011 (11/11/11). It was painted in white overall, so I was able to take clear/sharp photos of this aircraft even though it is displayed indoors. It was still preserved in very good condition.

本機はアラバマ州フォートラッカー陸軍キャンプ内にある米陸軍航空博物館で撮影しました。屋内に展示されていたので、保存状態は非常に良好です。しかも機体が白く塗装されているため 屋内展示にもかかわらず、かなり鮮明な細部写真を撮ることができました。博物館の2階テラスから機体上面も少し撮影出来ました。

You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます

#2) NU-1B (BuNo.144672, "PENSACOLA")

National Naval Aviation Museum
Pensacola, Florida, USA
photographed on 12NOV11

This NU-1B is displayed at National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida. I took these photos in November 2011. It was hung from the roof, so I was not able to take photos of its upper surfaces, unfortunately. The aircraft was preserved in very good condition.


You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます

#3) DHC-3 Turbo Otter (N2899J, "Rust's Flying Service")

Anchorage seaplane port
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
photographed in July 2010

I joined a fishing tour in Alaska in July 2010, and this Turbo Otter "N2899J" transported our fishing party to deeper Alaska. I took these photos before we got on board.


You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます

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