Please refer to another page titled "UP-3A" for some more Orion photos in detail.
本ページとは別に『UP-3A オライオン』の細部写真ページが有りますので、そちらも併せて参考にしてください。
#1), JMSDF P-3C Orion
I took a lot of photos of Japanese P-3C Orions at various airshows in Japan.
The photos below are mixture of various Japanese Orion photos including some walkarounds.
Colour scheme was originally light grey with white roof and colorful squadron markings on the fin.
Colour scheme changed in the mid-2000s and the new scheme is light grey overall and the tail markings were removed unfortunately
at the same time. I added some pictures of the Japanese Orions seen in the mid-1980s with colorful tail markings
at the end of below photos.
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます
#2), U.S.Navy P-3B/C Orion
I took walkaround photos of two P-3C Orions at airshows in the US, one was from VP-92(LY) and the other one from VP-62(LT)
as shown on the above two photos.
I also took some cockpit/cabin photos of a P-3B Orion displayed at Selfridge Air Museum.
上の写真の2機のP-3C(VP-92/LY と VP-62/LT)は米国内のエアショーに展示された機体です。
これらの機体の細部写真の他、Selfridge Air Museumに展示されていたP-3Bのコックピット内及びキャビン内の写真も掲載します。
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます
#3), CT-140 Aurora (CAF)
I photographed several Canadian CT-140 Auroras at Abbotsford airshow on 10AUG13.
2013年8月カナダ(BC州)のアボッツフォード エアショーで数機のCT-140オーロラを撮影しました。
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます