for your INFORMATION、参考情報
There is another walkaround photo page titled "Grumman C-1A Trader" on this website.
As you know, there are many common parts between S-2 Tracker and C-1 Trader,
so when you build a S-2 Tracker model, please refer to the "C-1 Trader" page as well.
このホームページには "Grumman C-1A Trader" の細部写真ページもあります。
#1)S-2E Tracker Bu.No.151657
S-2E, Bu.No.151657
Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum (USS.Yorktown)
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
photographed on 06AUG16
I took all the photos below on board USS.Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina in August 2016.
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます
#2)S2F-1, Bu.No.136468
S2F-1, Bu.No.136468
Pima Air and Space Museum
Tucson, Arizona
photographed on 03APR05
I took some walkaround photos of a S2F-1 (Bu.No.136468) preserved at Pima Air and Space Museum in April 2005.
I scanned the printed photos to digitize the images, so I'm afraid the quality of the photos below are not very good.
アリゾナ州ツーソンのPima Air and Space Museumに展示されていたS2F-1 (Bu.No.136468)の細部写真を掲載します。
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます
#3) US-2B, Bu.No.136691
US-2B, Bu.No.136691
USS.Hornet Museum
Alameda, California
photographed on 05APR10
The aircraft was preserved in a VERY cramped corner of the USS.Hornet hangar, so I was not able to take photos from all around the aircraft.
The aircraft still retained the old special "Bicentennial" markings at the time of my photography in 2010.
This aircraft was operated as a base flight at NAS.Oceana with the special Bicentennial markings before its retirement.
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます
#4) de Havilland CS2F, C-FOPU, Tanker #64
Pictured at Canadian Museum of Flight, Langley, BC, Canada on 11AUG13.
This de Havilland built Tracker was once operated by the Royal Canadian Navy.
After its retirement from the Navy, the CS2F was converted to a fire fighting aircraft, and was nicknamed "Conair Firecat" with the civil registration of C-FOPU, Tanker #64.
カナダ、ブリティシュコロンビア州のラングレーにあるCanadian Museum of Flightで撮影したデハビランド社製CS2Fトラッカー森林消火機です。
本機は元々カナダ海軍で運用されていましたが、退役後森林消火機に改造されて"Conair Firecat"として森林消火に活躍していました。アチコチに小改造が施されています。
You can enlarge all the photos by clicking on images. クリックで画像を拡大出来ます
#5) S-2, (details unknown)
Pictured at Hemet-Ryan CDF Air Attack Base in Hemet California on 29SEP11.
This aircraft was displaied at Hemet-Ryan CDF Air Attack Base with the CDF markings.
I'm not sure if this Tracker was once operated by the CDF as a fire fighting aircraft (water bomber) or not, beuause this aircraft does not have the water tank under the fuselage.
I do not have any details (such as Bu.Number or type designation) of this Tracker.
このトラッカーの詳細(型式や運用履歴等)は全く分かりませんが、加州森林消火局(正式名はCalifornia Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection, 略して"CDF")
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