de Havilland Canada DHC-8, Bombardier Aerospace Dash8
(CAF designation "CT-142")

#1) CT-142 (s/n. 142805) 402 Squadron

Abbotsford air show
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
photographed on 10AUG13

I took these walk-around photos of this de Havilland Canada Dash 8 (CT-142) of the CAF 402 "City of Winnipeg" Squadron at Abbotsford airshow in August 2013. The Squadron undertakes air navigation training role with the CT-142 painted overall gloss dark blue. They opened its cockpit and cabin areas to the public and I was able to take some photos of them fortunately.

このDash 8 (カナダ国防軍の呼称はCT-142)は2013年のAbbotsfordエアショーに飛来して展示されました。 キャビン内も公開していたので、操縦席を含め内部も撮影出来ました。 同機はカナダ国防軍第402飛行隊(Winnipeg基地)の所属ですが、同隊はCT-142を装備して航法訓練を主任務としています。 機体全面が濃い青に塗られており、アチコチ撮影しても黒っぽく潰れてしまい、なかなか細部が鮮明に写りません。悪しからず。

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#2) DHC-8-102 Dash 8 (C-GSUR Transport Canada)

Abbotsford air show
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
photographed on 10AUG13

I took these walk-around photos of this DHC-8-102 Dash 8 of "Transport Canada" at Abbotsford airshow in August 2013. Transport Canada keeps a watchful eye over ships in the Canadian waters through its National Aerial Surveillance Program (NASP) to detect ship-source pollution. This aircraft was based at Vancouver airport, and the aircraft was equipped with various equipments for aerial suveillance over the ocean such as....... (1)a Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) that helps detect irregularities on the ocean's surface, even in reduced visibility, (2)an Infrared/Ultraviolet Line Scanner that helps experts analyze oil slicks and provides high-resolution imagery of marine pollution incidents, and (3)an Electro-optical Infrared Camera System that helps NASP crews identify ships and collect evidence over a wide range.

このカナダ運輸省所属のDHC-8-102 Dash 8 は2013年のAbbotsfordエアショーに飛来して展示されました。 同機はカナダ領海内の海洋汚染を監視するためにバンクーバー基地に配備されています。 海洋汚染監視のために特殊な装備品を取り付けており、その中にはSide-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR)、Infrared/Ultraviolet Line Scanner、Electro-optical Infrared Camera System 等々の装備が含まれ、外観上の特徴にもなっています。

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